You.Are.My.Friend.Aninote.com |

About The Original. This Aninote is great for sending to any of your friends or acquaintances. Send this to your best friend, a brother or sister, or even a coworker! You.Are.My.Friend.Aninote.com is a fun way to let your friends know what they mean to you.
Dynamic Aninotes allow you to customize some of the content based on the URL (what you type into your browsers address bar). Everything preceeding .You.Are.My.Friend.Aninote.com will be added to the Aninote as text.
You can put anything you want here, with as many words as you want. Custom text that is too long may look strange in the Aninote, but feel free to experiment.
You do not need to register with this site or even go to the URL before sending the Aninote (URL) to someone, or many people. The Aninote is generated when anyone visits the custom address.
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